What’s in the Sky Now?

Planets, the Sun and Moon, Comets, Meteor Showers, and Seasonal Star Charts


Mercury is currently too close to the Sun to be seen.



Venus is currently in the southwest just after sunset. Watch for the first bright star to appear in the sunset glow and you’ll be looking at Venus!


Mars is in Cancer the Crab this fall. Look for the red planet a bit later in the evening rising above and to the east of Orion. Don’t confuse Betelgeuse with Mars, Betelgeuse is the red star in Orion’s shoulder, Mars is higher and further east.


Jupiter is in Taurus the Bull, rising in the east soon after sunset. Jupiter will remain in Taurus through the winter of 2024-25.



Saturn is in Aquarius and is visible low in the southern sky as soon as it gets dark this fall. Shining at magnitude 1.0 it is the brightest object in that part of the sky and has a slightly yellowish tinge of color.



Uranus is also in Taurus, just beneath the Pleiades star cluster. You’ll need binocular or a telescope to find this faint aqua colored planet.



Neptune is in Pisces, just below the circlet of the western fish. It is quite faint, so you’ll need a telescope to find it. It has a distinctly blueish hue.


Full Moon Nov. 15 Dec. 15

Last Quarter Nov. 22 Dec. 22

New Moon Dec. 1 Dec. 30

First Quarter Dec. 8 Jan. 6


There has been significant sunspot activity this spring, producing a few aurora sightings here in Maine. To see an aurora watch for faint glows of color low in the northern skies after dark. If you look up auroral activity online you’ll find an activity scale called the Kp scale. We need a Kp Scale rating of 6-7 or higher for aurora to be readily seen in Maine.

To observe the sun and sunspots you need solar filters like you’d use to observe an eclipse. Never look directly at the Sun and never point a telescope at the Sun without the proper solar filters. You will permanently damage your eyes instantly.

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There are currently no bright comets that can easily be seen.


Meteor Showers

Geminid Meteor Shower. December 13-24, 2024. This shower often features up to 120 meteors per hour. This year it will be hampered by a nearly full moon.

Seasonal Star Charts


Click on the chart for a larger version. For a printable pdf images, click: Winter Chart, Spring Chart, Summer Chart, Fall Chart.